Easter is well on its way and we can’t wait to share our allergy friendly, plant based, vegan and Kosher chocolates with you! It’s so heartwarming to hear all the positive feedback from families letting us know we changed their children’s lives by being able to feel included in big candy holidays, like Easter. We drew inspiration from that and made this poem! See our Easter products at www.nowheychocolate.com.
Easter mornings never were fun
Feeling empty handed for your daughter or son
It was hard to find a company to trust
Safety before sweets was always a must
You found this company called “No Whey!”
You saw their mission and it made your day
Allergy friendly, vegan and Kosher
This was going to change everything, for sure.
For the first time ever, your daughter or son
Would wake up on Easter and feel like they won
To finally taste a chocolate bunny’s ear
Would make it the best day of the year