Breaking news: Choco NoNo's are officially BACK IN ACTION! *Hold for applause* Thank you for your patience as we worked very hard on getting our NoNo's back as soon as possible for everyone. In other news... Although it isn’t technically summer yet, it sure does feel like it! When the sun is shining, it just feels right to have ice cream in your hand. But not just any ANY ice cream… ice cream topped with No Whey! Keep your eye on your email this weekend because we are offering insane deals on ice cream toppers and more!! This means NoNo’s, Peppermint NoNo’s, Chocolatey Morsels, Milkless bars…all your favorites marked down. No Whey Chocolate is your one-stop shop for your sweet-tooth needs. We specialize in chocolates that are allergy friendly, all natural, vegan, gluten free Kosher and delicious! Be sure to visit us at nowheychocolate.com!